
Saturday, May 12, 2012

3D image animation in WPF using Blend 4

Welcome to my blog... Here i am gonna to show my first experiment in 3D animation using Blend. It is pretty to easy to play the 3D using Blend 4. 

1 . Open the Blend 4 and create the new WPF application.

2. Add an image to the project through Add Existing item then drag and drop to the designer space.

3. After the image has been inserted to the designer space adjust the image using the selection tool to fit to the designer space. Now we are going to make this image to 3D using the following steps.
Go to the option Tools -> Make 3D image in the Blend.
4. In this step we are going to rotate this image in the 3D workspace. We have special tool in the tool box Camera Orbit to achieve this in Blend. Select the Camera Orbit.
5. Now click on the selected image and rotate it as per your wish.. Wow... its awesome.. It is really interesting to do the 3D animation with this option.
6. Once we have done this rotation with the image go to the Direction selection tool in the Toolbox and select the image. It will show the rotating tag with the image with green and red color. It will helpful to rotate the image as per your wish.

It is really interesting to me to play these kind of animations in WPF.. I will post a rotating cube animations in my upcoming updates.

Generated XAML

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I hope after this .. You will be interested to work with 3D animation .. :)

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